Pilot and Crew Mentors
Our volunteer MENTORS are all passionate about our industry and determined to support our friends and colleagues across the pilot and cabin crew community. Whether you are considering joining our fantastic industry, are in training, have recently qualified, or are experienced in your role; regardless of whether you are still flying or temporarily between jobs; our team will provide support, guidance and connection where they can. We take a coaching approach to mentoring, its not about us telling you what to do or even providing advice, its about exploring a conversation around what you are looking to achieve.
Whether you choose a Pilot mentor or a Performance Coach, you can be assured that ALL conversations are completely confidential. So, when you go onto our website, have a think about what your specific requirements actually are, as it may be that one of our performance coaches would be a better fit for you. And depending on the circumstances, you might get both!
What sort of people are our Pilot Mentors?
All of our mentors are passionate about supporting other aviation professionals, they themselves may have had mentors in the past and see it as giving back and sharing experience.
What sort of experience do they have?
They range from highly experienced pilots with 1000’s of hours, to newly appointed FO's some are also air crew, instructors and TRI, TRE’s, EMCC Qualified Mentor/Coaches
What sort of things can they help with?
Licensing, ATPL;s, CAA and EASA questions, which flight schools, even which route to take, integrated or modular and the pros and cons of both, they can chat through the recruitment prep and of course getting you into the right hand seat or your first aviation job

Our Mentors and Performance Coaches are all trained by EMCC International master trainers and follow best practice CBTA.