This is the structure for our Integramodular pathway that takes you from a zero experience Airline-Ready Pilot!
You can enter this pathway at any stage of your pilot training ensuring we will see you through to the end. The average time to complete our Integramodular pathway is 18 months however it can be done in as little as 13 months.

It is similar to the integrated pathway, has all the hallmarks of modular in its flexibility and its cost effectiveness, while bringing flight training and development into the 21st century using competency-based development from day one.
IntegraModular is a revolutionary industry first pathway to the flight deck integrating continuous development and training providing you with 1-2-1 virtual professional coaching and mentoring, group scenario based workshops that facilitate social learning throughout your journey. You will develop the Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes and their application within airline oriented virtual scenarios that develops the full suite of 9 pilot competencies, while the training focuses on flying skills and procedures.
Our evidenced based continuous developmental approach will position you as high calibre, capable and resilient all-round individual with the ability to demonstrate the core competencies required to operate an airliner.
We not only save you money and time but, in the process, we are creating a community of airline pilots that will one day help others to complete the same journey that you are embarking on today as part of the virtuous circle of tapping into human potential.