SFI Boeing 777 / Captain Falcon 7X
Airline Pilot Experience:
Most Recent Aircraft Type:
Training Route:
Aviation Specific Degree:
Captain, SFI/E, CRMI/T
Integrated ATPL
English, French, Spanish, German, Scandanavian
UK, Europe, UAE
Additional Experience/Qualifications:
Passions, Interests and Experience:
Aviation Talent, Transferable Skills, Mentoring, Coaching, Aviation Training, CRM/TEM
Why did you want to become a pilot?
B777 Captain and SFI
Falcon 50/900. Falcon 7X
Current location: Cannes, France
Most recent airline: Emirates (until 2020)
Previous airlines: EurofliteLltd and Air Alsie A/S
Previous and Additional roles:
Trainer/ SFI FA50/900 at FlightSafety International, Falcon 7x at CAE, B-777 at Emirates Airline, MCCI Air Arabia/ Alpha Aviation.
Owner and director, Wolston Sky FZE (UAE) and KTConsultancy (France)
Crew Resource Management Trainer, Mental Health First Aider, Co-founder and Past President of Concorde Chapter and co-founder and Vice President of Middle East Chapter of Women in Aviation International.
Mother of three (16, 16 and 9-year-olds).
Uni degree: Business
Languages: Conversational French, Finnish. Basic Spanish, German, Danish and Swedish
Airline training route: Integrated ATPL
Why did you want to become a pilot?
I grew up in Spain and Scandinavia and travelled a lot with my parents. Those days you could still visit the flight deck, which was always the highlight of the flight. My dream job was to become a flight attendant as at that time; I was not aware girls could become pilots.
Later, I was studying history in California when a friend of mine took me up in a C-152. That was it!
I was fascinated about the beauty and freedom of flight from my first Cessna ride onwards and wanted aviation to become my future, which it has been for over 25-years. It is a passion that will never die.
How did you fund your training?
Was training a breeze or did you find it a challenge?
What was most challenging?
What do you enjoy most about your job?
What is most challenging about your job?
Which of the Pilot Competencies are of most interest to you and why?
All the competencies are of interest to me. However, if I have to pick one, I would say Communication as it ties into all other competencies.
Additional info