Change, Grief & Loss Coach
Most Recent Aircraft Type:
Aviation Specific Degree:
Change, Grief & Loss Coach
Additional Experience/Qualifications:
Coaching for Grief, Loss and Life Changes. Certified Advanced Specialist in the Grief Recovery Method. Postgraduate level, ICF accredited Business and Personal Coach Training. In the process of completing PGCert in Business and Personal Coaching with the University of Chester - due for completion by Autumn 2022.
Passions, Interests and Experience:
Wellbeing, Mentoring, Coaching, Grief & Loss. Life Changes & Transitions.
I have always been passionate about and focused on helping people at work. Following my degree in Human Resource Management and prior to specialising in Coaching, I built a career in the global Telecom & Engineering Recruitment industry, helping people with their careers and involved me also living and working abroad. Throughout my work I have always naturally used a coaching approach, and I’ve found this to be crucial.
Whether someone is starting, changing or working towards the end of their career, it is inevitable that we all experience difficult times and change in our life that impacts us, that ripples into every area of life and that is felt while at work too. Coaching is a powerful way to help people to navigate change, including how you move forward from and with
significant change to your life.
I don’t have any Aviation experience myself, it can only be described as being a passenger on flights! I also have always liked spending time and hanging out at airports and did work at LHR in travel retail when I first graduated. Thanks to it being so busy then and being in a commission based job, I was able to pay off my student debt in a few months! I also love checking the Flight Radar app on my phone, probably a bit too much and although I am a homebody, I do LOVE to travel when I can.
Why do you want to become a mentor for Resilient Pilot?
To offer support to the Aviation Community, helping those who might want help with change, loss or navigating grief from a bereavement or the other multiple losses the pandemic has caused for the Industry.
Grief is often only associated with bereavement, however all the life changes we can experience also involve loss and can impact how we feel; whether it's redundancy, relocation, a divorce, changes to health, family or lifestyle, even those changes often deemed positive such as new jobs, promotions, returning to work or retirement.
Change, grief and loss is inevitable in life for everyone and can be difficult and lonely to navigate. Pilots are not immune to this and the Pandemic has also shown how much change, loss and grief the Aviation Community have to deal with. In a Profession and Industry where it might be difficult or considered a risk to talk about how you feel, I want to offer support
What do you believe you can offer your mentees?
A safe space where they feel comfortable, at ease and trust. A space and time to feel heard and supported, without judgement or fear. Help to achieve change, whether it is desired change or help to journey forward with a significant change to their life.
Guidance on how to support a colleague, friend or family member with grief and loss.
My coaching approach lends itself to helping people with difficult change that often involves loss and grief, that affects how you feel, your mood, sleep, motivation, relationships, decisions and the overall quality of your life and work. I help people with how they feel and how they move