First Officer
Airline Pilot Experience:
Most Recent Aircraft Type:
Training Route:
Aviation Specific Degree:
First Officer
Modular ATPL
Additional Experience/Qualifications:
Passions, Interests and Experience:
Pilot Competencies, Mentoring, Coaching, Aviation Training,
Why did you want to become a pilot?
I grew up in Cornwall, seeing all the jets fly out over the Atlantic off to America and in the mornings I would see the rush of them returning to London. This is what really started my love for aviation. Having a dad who used to fly privately and an uncle who was a captain for a flagship carrier, I knew it was in the blood. I took controls at the young age of 13 in the usa and have never looked back. Albeit that was in 2005 and my first solo was in 2018. I pushed myself to achieve my dream and don’t regret it.
How did you fund your training?
Grief is often only associated with bereavement, however all the life changes we can experience also involve loss and can impact how we feel; whether it's redundancy, relocation, a divorce, changes to health, family or lifestyle, even those changes often deemed positive such as new jobs, promotions, returning to work or retirement.
Was training a breeze or did you find it a challenge?
Guidance on how to support a colleague, friend or family member with grief and loss.
What was most challenging?
The inability to fly due to the bad weather of the UK or the fact in hour building it the weather always seemed worse than when you were stuck in the ATPL classrooms
What do you enjoy most about your job?
Which of the Pilot Competencies are of most interest to you and why?
All nine competencies are very important aspects of being an effective pilot. My interest lies mostly in ‘Knowledge’ because I believe that we must aim to be continuously improving and developing ourselves. This extends into our personal lives as well as operating effectively in the flight deck.
Why do you want to become a mentor for Resilient Pilot?
I want to become a Resilient pilot mentor because I believe I have a lot to give, I want to be there for people who are struggling or just need that little boost of confidence. I am a shoulder, a great listener and most of all I am there for you. Being relatively fresh out of Flight school, I can help those in flight school and who have just finished and unsure what to do with themselves after being in a routine, and to help them with finding their first role as a Pilot.
What do you believe you can offer your mentees?
I will be a positive role model, compassionate, give guidance where possible and help the mentee to develop themselves by setting goals and targets where necessary. I want to see them succeed in their dreams and careers.