
Most Recent Aircraft Type:
Training Route/Previous Roles
Aviation Specific Degree:
Captain (plus period as training captain – TRI
ATPL via General Aviation in Austral
Additional Experience/Qualifications:
MHFA, Professional Airline Instructor Course (Virgin Blue AOC/CASA)
Passions, Interests and Experience:
I have always had a soft spot for pilot wellbeing. I would always rather be in the back of a plane with a pilot that embraces being human! I found a passion for sharing humanity with pilots as they face challenges which I absolutely loved about training. I flew for over 20 years before shocking everyone (and myself!) and leaving the industry to reskill, returning to the role of Safety and Technical Officer with the AFAP where I get to serve many pilots and explore my interest in Safety-II. I bring back to industry a different perspective and believe that pilots have normalised the risk they sit in every day. My mission is to help pilots be proud of their licence and what they get right everyday they fly. Mentoring is where I can hang out with pilots and have their back.
Why did you want to become a pilot?
I was that child that your parents say, ‘there’s always one!.’ I found many things boring and wanted to do something different and when my airline pilot Dad came home from work one day and said (in disbelief!) that ‘They’re going to let women fly planes!’ … I knew that was it. I was sold and saw myself in command of a jet right at that minut
Was training a breeze or did you find it a challenge?
I found training an ‘achievable challenge.’ There were definitely hard bits and times when I was completely frustrated or filled with self-doubt, but I always reflected on the picture of me in the flight deck of a jet that I imagined as a child. I don’t consider myself a super pilot, but I am good at figuring out the bits that are most important and focussing efforts on the
What was most challenging?
Personally, the biggest challenge were the moments of self-doubt that would creep in, and I was forced to face it head on. Practically, the transition from turboprop to jet. It took me some time to understand that ‘less is more!’ and to adjust to hydraulic controls
What do you enjoy most about your job?
I love the feeling of sailing through the air especially on the first departure of the day. Super early and smooth conditions. When I was away from industry for a few years, I missed the people and team environment.
What is most challenging about your job?
Being away from family when I had children. I felt guilty being away but also conflicted because I loved the ‘me-time’ to be in charge of the jet.
Pilot Competencies
Communication. Leadership and teamwork. Problem solving and decision making. Situational Awareness.
These competencies interest me as they filter out the ‘doing’ and leave the human ‘being’ at the core. It is my belief that we the humans need to strive for self-awareness before the computers are!