Captain CPL (H)

Most Recent Aircraft Type:
Training Route
Aviation Specific Degree:
Captain CPL (H)
H125, AS350, AS355, BO105, B206L, MD500, MD520, R44, R22, H269
Aviation college for theory, Private instructors for practical
Additional Experience/Qualifications:
Company Director/Manager (Aviation and Sphagnum Moss Industries).
Chief Pilot,
Line Pilot,
Maintenance Controller,
Base and Operations Manager.
Peer Welfare Representative with AFAP.
Passions, Interests and Experience:
I love the outdoors wether I’m hunting, fishing or just out for a stroll.
I enjoy having little projects around the home or holiday home to keep me busy.
I am a member of two Mens Sheds, I am enjoying learning new skills and having great
conversations with the other men there.
I also enjoy riding motorcycles and long drives exploring new places.
I am a huge foodie, I enjoy trying new food and dining experiences and spending time in the
Why did you want to become a pilot?
I have grown up and worked around helicopters since I was a young child, when I was 19 the family
business had grown and needed to expand including purchasing our own helicopter to assist in the
harvesting of the sphagnum moss we exported, I sold my house to help fund my training.
Was training a breeze or did you find it a challenge?
Initially I found it difficult with my practical and even considered stopping at approximately 6 hours
but thankfully I pushed on and at about 35-40 hours I felt the basics had started to fall into place, I
thoroughly enjoyed the rest of my training through to CPL (H).
I found the theory difficult as I was never one to sit still for long with my face in a book, I am
pleased I completed my theory at an aviation college as it allowed me to completely focus on it for
the 3 months. I particularly found the Law component a struggle as it was very dry and I just needed
to gain the knowledge, however, I enjoyed Human Factors, PoF, Met and Nav, I found these
subjects interesting.
What was most challenging?
Sling training was the most challenging as I had to control the load at the bottom of the line with
precision while still flying the helicopter.
What do you enjoy most about your job?
Although challenging, sling/lifting operations have proven to be the most rewarding and enjoyable
type of flying throughout my career, especially firefighting as it always feels great to help others,
saving homes and properties. I enjoy stringing power lines and general lifting operations. I also love
sharing my world with passengers and seeing the joy and emotions they have whether it be from a
quick scenic flight, a flight to a hidden waterfall or landing on a glacier high in the alps
What is most challenging about your job?
Ever changing weather conditions, especially while working in remote locations with no access to
updated weather forecasts. Figuring out how to safely achieve difficult and sometimes unrealistic
expectations from customers and/or management.
Pilot Competencies
Communication, Situational Awareness and Decision Making: These are vital in the cockpit and life
in general.
Why do you want to become a mentor for Resilient Pilot?
During my 25 years as a pilot I have experienced many situations including extended time away
from home while working in foreign countries or remote regions, medical issues, ongoing formal
procedures post incidents/accidents, as well as general industry changes and challenges along the
way. I would like to be able to assist others throughout their own journey as a pilot.
What do you believe you can offer your mentees?
I have not been a mentor before, not officially at least. However, I have been asked quite often to
offer advice and guidance to aspiring pilots and colleagues whether it be operational, contemplating
a change in direction with their career or issues within their workplace. I am a good listener and can
offer good communication and discussion, while always being discreet, honest and compassionate.