First officer
Airline Pilot Experience
Most Recent Aircraft Type:
Aviation Specific Degree:
Flying Instructor (SEP/Night)
Additional Experience/Qualifications:
Passions, Interests and Experience:
I’m a fixer (computers) by trade and thrive off helping people solve techie problems. Since the late 1990’s I’ve been flying the PC and more recently I beta test for several companies that write the software.
I love aviation and can sit by a runway for hours watching aircraft, or sit in an airfield café listening to stories from old timers.
My earliest memory of wanting to become a pilot was when I was 5 years old. My dad would take me to the airport, back then you could walk along the piers down to the aircraft. Also around that time there was a TV show called the Krypton Factor that had a flight simulator challenge on it, I would go to bed and imagine flying those approaches in the 747!
How did you fund your training?
Self Funded
Was training a breeze or did you find it a challenge?
There were tough parts and other areas of the training that I couldn’t wait for.
I took the modular route so I could ‘earn as I learn’, this presented all sorts of challenges as you just cant plan for a boom in business or a stormy weather front!
The ATPL exams were hard to fit in to my schedule as I’d set a goal to get them done in 12 months so I could get onto the CPL. I also did a lot of the hour building on the good weather days.
With the Pandemic hitting aviation hard I decided to put my APS/MCC on hold which meant I had no flying planned but as I’d found it really rewarding helping the newer pilots with their problems it was inevitable that I’d soon become a Flight Instructor.
The hardest parts were definitely the ATPL exams and the MEIR test. The best parts were the UPRT and APS/MCC.
What was most challenging?
For me it was always wondering if I was good enough and could I justify the money I’m going to spend to reach my goal and then beyond that the money I’d have to spend to keep current. I now see my training as an investment.
What do you enjoy most about your job?
I get to fly, lots!
I see peoples amazement when introducing them to flight in the front seat and then see them progress to a first landing, first solo and ultimately getting their license. Whether it’s a light aircraft or large jet I’ll always feel privileged to be looking down out of my office window instead of up.
What is most challenging about your job?
Keeping current, it never stops! We are always learning but with busy work schedules and sometimes long commutes it’s a challenge to find the time to catch up on things.
Pilot Competencies
Situational Awareness. Communication. Leadership and teamwork. Problem solving and decision making.